Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Golden Rule Is Older than You Think!

Most people know that one of the central tenets of Jesus Christ’s way of life was the Golden Rule. As Christianity is a religion all about forgiveness, love and living a virtuous life, the Golden Rule is a perfect mantra for the faithful to remember in order to assure that they are acting like true Christians. Jesus prescribed that his disciples use the Golden Rule as a call for action; actively do for other what they would gladly receive for themselves.

Around 600 years before Christ, however, the ancient Chinese philosopher, Confucius, developed his own Golden Rule. The Confucian Golden Rule was more about restraint. He argued that people should not do to others what they would not want done to themselves. Both rules suggest that we should think of others before we act, but Christ and Confucius approached it from opposite angles. Read more here at The Historian's Hut website.


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